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< prev - next > Construction Building design KnO 100124_Transitional Shelter (Printable PDF)
Transitional shelter
Practical Action
12. Is there a 10’ wide vertical link road connecting all the public access paths at least at
every eighth shelter unit?
Yes / No
If not, do you need any help & what would that
13. Do the residents have access to their shelters at least by a handcart and, do people
with disabilities too have undisturbed access to their shelter units? The roads & paths
have to be prepared in such a way that steep slopes are avoided as much as possible.
It has to be ensured that the residents with disabilities are able to manage mobility
on their own as much as possible, so that they too can interact socially according to
their preference. In allocating the plots to them, their preferences & needs have to be
given priority.
Yes / No
If not, do you need any help & what would that be? ……………………………………
14. Has the number of shelter units allocated in a row been limited to 8 and is there a
space of at least 10’ on either side of the row of units?
This reduces the risk of fire & facilitates air movement in large settlements avoiding
development of stagnant air pockets along the long access paths.
The space on one side can be used as the vertical link road between public access
paths and the other side can be used to locate the toilets, water storage points &
electricity lines etc.
Having a toilet & a water point for every eighth shelter unit in close proximity will
help proper maintenance of them by the users themselves.
As many of the residents, especially women would need more privacy or rather use
private and clean toilets; allocation of toilets for housing blocks is the recommended
Also this provides an arrangement for residents somewhat closer to their previous
lifestyle, thus contributes to a better psychological status.
Such an arrangement will reduce obvious problems associated with sanitation &
hygiene in communal toiletry arrangements.
This will further reduce maintenance & management disputes as this option enables
provision of a ration of water to every eight households, which the residents would
manage among themselves.
Yes / No
If not, do you need any help & what would that
15. Have the water storage tanks been designed after calculating the water requirement
of the number of families that would use the tank? The water requirement would be
approximately 75 litres per household per day
Yes / No
If not, do you need any help & what would that